20 Years at BAYSIXTY6 Skate Park

20 Years at BAYSIXTY6 Skate Park London : Established 199720 Years at BAYSIXTY6 Skate Park London : Established 1997

20 Years at BAYSIXTY6 Skate Park

Bay 66 & 65 underneath the Westway, A40, in North Kensington, London 1996
BAYSIXTY6 Skate Park at Bay 66 Acklam Rd London W10 5YU

BAYSIXTY6 Skate Park 2017

20 years ago today BAYSIXTY6 Skate Park opened its doors under the Westway flyover in West London after a year of planning, excavating, building and nail biting. Once the tarmac was laid and ramps were ready to be sessioned, the doors opened to the public on the morning of Saturday, 24th of May 1997 and are still open to this very day.


20 Years at BAYSIXTY6 Mini ramp from 1997 to 2012

Mini Ramp from 1997 to 2012


Building Vert ramp for DC Demo 1997


XBOX Opening 2004


20 Years at BAYSIXTY6 Street Course circa 2005

Street Course circa 2005


From the early PlayStation days, to the XBOX era and now to Nike SB’ sponsorship of this world renowned spot, London’s only community owned undercover skate park is celebrating two decades in the game thanks to the hard graft of original owner, Paul McDermott:

β€œWhat an amazing 20 years. 21 if you include the year of preparation before we opened. We’ve endured struggle, mistakes, a fire, hard work and fights for survival but it’s all been worth it! An enormous amount of incredible characters have passed through these gates, several generations of great skaters have come through here too. It’s been a great opportunity for British skaters to see most of the very best skaters in the world at one time or another, not to mention that it’s been a second home for many of London’s skaters, a place of constant mentoring for young people and a kind of super youth club where youth from all backgrounds come together on equal terms here in Ladbroke Grove.”


Eric Koston BS Smith Grind


To celebrate the memories from countless epic sessions, events and demos across the years at the park, Paul and the staff at BAYSIXTY6 would like everyone who has skated, or rode the park, to reminisce the good times by digging out photos from your own experiences this week for a Xerox gallery show that will launch on Wednesday 28th June. The legendary Wednesday night session, always the biggest draw for skaters in London, will re-unite various heads from over the last 20 years to re-live the legacy that this great skate park has given to the scene. We hope to see you there for a drink or two, so please put it in your diary and spread the good word.


Send your photos, with as much detail as possible via email to [email protected] if you’d like them to be considered for gallery inclusion, or post your photos on social media with the hashtag #20YearsatBAYSIXTY6


BAYSIXTY6 Skate Park can be found after 20 years of service still at its same address:

Bay 66, Acklam Rd, Ladbroke Grove, London, W10 5YU

[email protected]




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